伪装恶魔接近你, 双重合同, 肉偿, 페이드
10/18/2022 1:21 AM
Heejae is the youngest executive director of the Jinhwa Group, nicknamed the &quot;Chaebol Prince&quot; by the public. But his life is turned upside down when documents linking him to an embezzlement scheme are found by an accounting student, Taekyung! To make sure the secret stays that way, Heejae pretends to have a crush on him, but... is there more to Taekyung than meets the eye? Watch sparks fly as this chaebol rom-com begins! <br/><br/><strong><u>French/Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong><br/>Heejae est le plus jeune directeur ex&eacute;cutif du groupe Jinhwa, surnomm&eacute; le &quot;Prince Chaebol&quot; par le public. Mais sa vie est boulevers&eacute;e lorsqu'un &eacute;tudiant en comptabilit&eacute;, Taekyung, trouve des documents le reliant &agrave; un stratag&egrave;me de d&eacute;tournement de fonds ! Pour s'assurer que le secret reste ainsi, Heejae pr&eacute;tend avoir le b&eacute;guin pour lui, mais... y-a t-il plus pour Taekyung qu'on ne le croit ?